Ordinary nail polish usually has properties and ingredients that contradict the religious rules of a Muslim woman. But with a halal nail polish from LIA, you don't have to miss out on styling your nails. Here you can find out what makes our halal nail polish special.
Our halal nail polish is:
- without acetone and other harmful ingredients
- breathable, i.e. permeable to water and air
- permitted for prayer and full-body washing
- vegan and therefore absolutely free of animal products
- developed and manufactured without animal testing
- tested and certified by independent laboratories
- rich in nourishing vitamins A, C, E and B5
- available in 21 colors to perfectly match your look
It is good to know exactly which criteria real halal cosmetics have to meet. Beauty products such as halal nail polish may contain alcohol under certain conditions. Its use in cosmetic products is permitted according to various fatwas. The alcohol must be 100 percent pure and synthetically produced.
LIA Fashion & Beauty attaches great importance to compliance with religious rules and also sets ethical standards for its products. In our online shop you will find high-quality nail polish in many beautiful colors, which is halal according to all rules and therefore permitted for ritual prayer and full-body washing.
Do you want to find out more about this air and water permeable nail polish or do you have specific questions about our beauty range? Then contact us here without obligation and get comprehensive information.
Ordinary nail polish is not water permeable
Wearing nail polish has been a particular challenge in the everyday life of a devout Muslim woman. Why? Conventional nail polish must be removed before every prayer ablution because it is not water-permeable. It completely seals the surface of the nails so that the skin underneath cannot come into contact with water or air. However, Islam's cleanliness rules stipulate that hands and feet must be completely cleaned with water before prayer. Prayer with conventional nail polish is therefore not permitted.
With water-soluble nail polish, you can live your religion without worry. Because it is water and air permeable, you can leave it on with a clear conscience without your ablution and prayer becoming invalid. With halal nail polish, you can go through everyday life perfectly styled around the clock.