
If you have not received an order confirmation from us, there is probably an error in your email.

If this is the case, please send us an email to

Spam folder: Automatically generated emails often end up in the spam folder. So check whether the order confirmation has ended up there.


We deliver worldwide.

Germany 3-5 working days
Cost: 4.99€ / free from 150€

Europe: 2-8 working days
Cost: 13.99€

rest of the world
Cost: 19.99€

Pre-orders are excluded from the average delivery time.

As soon as your order has been shipped, you will receive an email with a tracking number. You can use this tracking number to track your package via the DHL portal.

It may happen that your package is in a packing station or post office.


It's a shame that you didn't like our hijab. For hygiene reasons, we are unfortunately unable to take back opened hijabs, as we want to protect our customers from risks such as lice, tinea capatitis, etc. We can offer you an exchange or credit for goods in their original packaging.
You can return the unopened hijab to the address below.
Eneiro UG c/o LIA Fashion & Beauty
Nordring 53-55
63843 Niedernberg

As soon as the unopened goods arrive, we will adjust the invoice.

If there is a problem with the product or you are dissatisfied, please feel free to send us a message in advance by email to

It's a shame that you didn't like our nail polish. For hygiene reasons, we are unfortunately unable to take back opened nail polishes, as we want to protect our customers from risks such as nail fungus, etc. We can offer you an exchange or credit for goods in their original packaging.
You can return the unopened nail polish to the address below.
Eneiro UG c/o LIA Fashion & Beauty
Nordring 53-55
63843 Niedernberg

As soon as we receive the unopened goods, we will adjust your invoice.

If there is a problem with the product or you are dissatisfied, please feel free to send us a message in advance by email to

It's a pity that you didn't like our dress. You can return the dress within the cancellation period to the following address:

Eneiro UG c/o LIA Fashion & Beauty
Nordring 53-55
63843 Niedernberg

As soon as the dress arrives with us and is in perfect condition, we will adjust your invoice.

If there is a problem with the product or you are dissatisfied, please feel free to send us a message in advance by email to

We think it's a shame that you didn't like our Glow Caps. Since we always want to offer our customers the best quality, we would like to know the reason for the return so that you can give us valuable information. You are welcome to send us an email to Food supplements are considered food, so for hygiene reasons we can only accept unopened packaging. We ask you to return the unopened Glow Caps within the cancellation period to the following address:

Eneiro UG c/o LIA Fashion & Beauty
Nordring 53-55
63843 Niedernberg

If there is a problem with the product or you are dissatisfied, please feel free to send us a message in advance by email to

LIA Halal nail polish

Our nail polishes not only offer opaque colors, but also carefully selected ingredients.
Our 20-Free nail polishes are free from 20 substances that are generally considered critical.

The ingredients used are almost entirely obtained from sustainably grown and plant-based raw materials such as wood, potatoes, beetroot, corn, cassava, sugar cane or spelt. In addition, we have added nourishing and skin cell-protecting substances such as: Vitamin
A,C, E & B5.

Special features of vitamins:

  • Vitamin A: Vitamin A is essential for the formation and development of cells and
    different tissues (e.g. skin and mucous membranes).
  • Vitamin C: Is used, among other things, to build connective tissue (collagen). Vitamin C works
    antioxidant, which means that it absorbs harmful compounds and thus contributes to
    maintaining the health of the skin.
  • Vitamin E: This vitamin smoothes wrinkles, increases the skin's resistance, protects against UV rays and reduces inflammatory reactions.
  • Vitamin B5: This essential vitamin plays a central role in energy metabolism and helps with
    Production of various amino acids, proteins and fatty acids.
  • Further features of our nail polishes are that they are free of formaldehyde, dibutyl phthalate (DBP),
    xylene, camphor, silicone, mineral oil, acetone and toluene.

Vegan cosmetics refer to products that do not contain any ingredients that are made from or even from animal components. In the case of nail polish, it is particularly the color and effect pigments that are not vegan. Red nail polish is often achieved using carmine, which is obtained from crushed scale insects. In effect pigments, guanine is usually used for the shimmer, which is taken from fish scales.
LIA completely avoids animal ingredients in its nail polishes.

Water-permeable nail polishes are a type of nail polish that allows water and oxygen to pass through the layers and reach the nail bed. They have a different formula than traditional nail polishes. The formula allows water and oxygen molecules to seep through the nail polish. Traditional nail polishes are made up of tightly stacked molecular bonds, creating tighter spaces that don't allow water to pass through. Water-permeable nail polishes, on the other hand, are made up of ingredients that form a unique molecular structure that allows oxygen and water to pass through.

As a cruelty-free & vegan brand, LIA wants to work to end animal cruelty in cosmetics.
Animal testing is the conduct of experiments on living animals to assess the effectiveness or safety of cosmetics, household products or medicines. These experiments often cause enormous suffering to the animals. Most test animals are killed after the experiment is completed.
Cruelty-free means a product that has been made from scratch without harming or killing any animals.

The term "halal" means anything that is legal or permissible according to Islamic principles. Typically, the term is used to refer to the manner in which an animal is slaughtered. The animal must be alive and healthy, its death must be carried out while a prayer for peace is said while the animal is killed in the most painless and hygienic manner possible.

How does “halal” relate to beauty?
A “halal” meat preparation is intended to ensure the safety of both the animal by-product and the consumer. Applied to cosmetics, this means that beauty products have been made with ingredients that are permissible according to Islamic principles. This means that products must not contain ingredients derived from blood, pigs, human body parts,
Predatory animals, reptiles, insects and alcohol, as these are considered “non-halal”.