Hijab und Haarpflege: 5 Tipps für Kopftuchträgerinnen

Hijab and hair care: 5 tips for headscarf wearers

You wear your hijab with pride and self-confidence. That's wonderful, but at the same time it's a bit of a challenge for your hair. Here we'll show you how to give the beauty on your head healthy ...
Haarausfall und Haarbruch unter dem Kopftuch – Was hilft?

Hair loss and hair breakage under the headscarf – what helps?

There's no doubt about it: wearing a hijab and headscarf puts a strain on our hair. The fabrics often rub against our hair all day long and we don't get enough air or sun. But don't worry, here ar...
Wie trage ich den Hijab richtig?

How do I wear the hijab correctly?

All beginnings are difficult. But it is not that complicated to dress up as a Muslim woman. With the right moves, you can quickly pin your hijab and tie your headscarf perfectly. Here we explain ho...
Welcher Hijab passt zu meiner Gesichtsform?

Which hijab suits my face shape?

If you know how, you can also emphasize your personality with the hijab. It all depends on how you tie the scarf or headscarf. Once you've got the hang of it, the hijab will show off your facial fe...
Schädlichkeit von Nagellack: Welche Inhaltsstoffe sind bedenklich?

Harmfulness of nail polish: Which ingredients are of concern?

As soon as we apply it, our noses raise the alarm: most nail polishes give off a rather unpleasant smell, which should make us suspicious. We often decorate our nails with substances that are quit...
Wie wasche ich meinen Hijab am besten?

What is the best way to wash my hijab?

Your hijab really has no other place than on your head. But like all clothing, it needs to be washed from time to time. How do you properly care for this pretty item so that it continues to fit we...
Sommer-Hijab: Welche Stoffe sind geeignet?

Summer hijab: Which fabrics are suitable?

When the sun is shining, a light, airy cover-up is the order of the day. The most important thing is choosing the right fabric for your headgear. This is the basis for perfecting your summer styli...
Veganer Nagellackentferner – die Vorteile

Vegan nail polish remover – the advantages

At some point, even your favorite nail polish has to come off. Before the next coat, you no longer need to resort to aggressive chemicals. Vegan nail polish remover is the natural alternative on t...
Was bedeutet halal Nagellack eigentlich?

What does halal nail polish actually mean?

Ordinary nail polish usually has properties and ingredients that contradict the religious rules of a Muslim woman. But with a halal nail polish from LIA, you don't have to miss out on styling your...