Wie wasche ich meinen Hijab am besten?

What is the best way to wash my hijab?

Your hijab really has no other place than on your head. But like all clothing, it needs to be washed from time to time. How do you properly care for this pretty item so that it continues to fit well and look colorful? Find out more here.

At LIA you can make your dream of a head covering come true and order it online right away. As a sustainable label, we also want one thing: you should enjoy your high-quality hijab or elegant headscarf for a long time. Our exquisite materials and cuts do their best to achieve this.

How to wash your hijab properly

Here you will learn the basics of how to properly care for your hijab. This way you can keep your beautiful everyday companion in top shape and be ready to go again in no time.

Tips for washing your hijab:

  • Gentle washing is recommended, and that means hand washing! If you wash your hijab in the washing machine, you will put too much strain on the delicate fabric. So it's better to roll up your sleeves.
  • All you need is a wash basin or a clean sink. Fill both with warm water. The temperature should be around 30 degrees, so nice and lukewarm and also pleasant for your hands. Then add a small amount of liquid detergent for delicates.
  • Very important: Light and colored hijabs should be washed separately. A gentle detergent for colored scarves is suitable. But make sure that it does not contain bleach. You want your scarves to continue to shine in rich colors and not washed out.
  • Is your hijab very dirty, perhaps with stubborn stains? Then give it a few dabs with a mild stain remover before washing. Again, you should not use a bleaching agent.
  • Now you can take a break - let the hijab rest in the washing water for a while. This way it can do its work for you - and you can put your feet up for 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Then you start to wash the scarf carefully. It is best to do it inside out so that it keeps its shape. Is everything clean? Then rinse it in clean water and wring it out carefully.
  • To dry your hijab, hang it either on a clothes rack in the bathroom or in the fresh air. Please never let it dry over something hot, such as the heater. If you dry it outside, do not hang it directly in the sun. This will bleach the colors.
  • A hijab should never be put in a tumble dryer! Please always let it air dry.
  • It is best to iron out wrinkles at a medium temperature.

Do you have any questions about proper hijab care? Contact us and we will explain all the details to you.

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