Haarausfall und Haarbruch unter dem Kopftuch – Was hilft?

Hair loss and hair breakage under the headscarf – what helps?

How do I wear the hijab correctly? Reading Hair loss and hair breakage under the headscarf – what helps? 3 minutes Next Hijab and hair care: 5 tips for headscarf wearers

There's no doubt about it: wearing a hijab and headscarf puts a strain on our hair. The fabrics often rub against our hair all day long and we don't get enough air or sun. But don't worry, here are some clever tips on styling and care.

First of all – at LIA Fashion & Beauty you will only find head coverings made from high-quality and natural materials. Whether it is a hijab , a head scarf or a headscarf: everything is free of polyester or other synthetic materials that can irritate the skin and hair. Contact LIA and get personal information and inspiration about ethical and religious fashion for Muslim women.

5 tips against hair loss and hair breakage:

  • Correct hairstyle

Use the comb to part your hair in the middle or style it in a loose bun or braid. This will take a lot of strain off your hair. If you tie it tightly back so that it is very tight, you risk not only headaches but also hair breakage and a receding hairline. Protect your hair even more by moving the parting slightly from time to time or getting a stylish fringe.

  • No hair ties

Ring-shaped rubber bands with a metal bar are an absolute no-go. They rub so hard that your hair will inevitably break. You should go for thick and soft versions or use gentler spiral rubber bands. They will also keep your hair and your hairstyle perfect.

  • Rare hair washing

The rule of thumb is: every two to three days is enough. This way, the natural oils are retained and your hair can provide itself with healthy moisture. After exercise, however, you should wash your hair immediately afterwards so that the sweat that has accumulated under the hijab does not irritate your scalp. Only use the shampoo on the top of your head and only use the conditioner on the lengths. It is really good for your hair if you let it air dry. Also, only put it under the hijab when it is really dry.

  • Protein-rich care

Even if your shampoo is halal, high quality and free of harmful ingredients, it is not enough to just use it to care for your hair. Use oils and masks that support your hair in a way that is tailored to its type. In addition to minerals and vitamins, you need proteins. These are provided by classics such as olive, argan or almond oil. DIY hijabistas care for their hair with a homemade hair treatment made from egg and vitamins B, D and E from the pharmacy. The mixture is mixed once a week and worked from the roots to the tips. Then you leave it to work for two hours under a towel or cap.

  • Breathable Hijabs

Cotton, silk, jersey and bamboo: all of these are soft natural materials that allow air to reach your hair and at the same time cover it opaquely without chemicals. The selection in our shop is huge - find your personal hair flatterer!

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Hijab und Haarpflege: 5 Tipps für Kopftuchträgerinnen

Hijab and hair care: 5 tips for headscarf wearers

Wie trage ich den Hijab richtig?

How do I wear the hijab correctly?