Wie trage ich den Hijab richtig?

How do I wear the hijab correctly?

All beginnings are difficult. But it is not that complicated to dress up as a Muslim woman. With the right moves, you can quickly pin your hijab and tie your headscarf perfectly. Here we explain how to do it step by step.

In the LIA shop you can search for a hijab to your heart's content. You can also find basics like a bone in the finest and most sustainable designs. If you want something classy, ​​then buy a luxurious headscarf for your wow appearance. We will also tell you how to tie your headscarf to suit the shape of your face. We will also be happy to answer any questions you may have about styling or material personally. Simply contact us here.

How do I pin my hijab correctly?

Do you want your hijab to look its best? At the same time, do you want to feel completely comfortable and safely covered when wearing it? Here we have put together some useful information for you that will guarantee you pin your hijab correctly.

Learn how to tie a headscarf – step-by-step instructions:

  • First, make sure your headscarf is big enough. 110 centimeters is particularly good if you are a beginner and are just starting out. Fold it diagonally once and place it loosely over your head. 
  • If you want to tie your headscarf under your chin, take a pin and fix the ends of the fabric under your chin.
  • Then you can fold the sides in a little and fasten them with a pin. You can either tie the ends of the headscarf or hide them under the top part of the scarf.
  • For a different look, you can also tie the scarf at the back of your neck. Then bring the ends there and use a knot or a pin to make sure it sits comfortably there for you.
  • For a more extravagant look, hide one end under the headscarf. Drape the other end loosely on your head and secure the end with a pin.

If you want to be on the safe side, start by covering your hair and neck with a hijab. This particular scarf is much longer than a headscarf, making it much easier to tie. It also offers you a lot of variety and gorgeous styling options.

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Haarausfall und Haarbruch unter dem Kopftuch – Was hilft?

Hair loss and hair breakage under the headscarf – what helps?

Welcher Hijab passt zu meiner Gesichtsform?

Which hijab suits my face shape?