Welcher Hijab passt zu meiner Gesichtsform?

Which hijab suits my face shape?

If you know how, you can also emphasize your personality with the hijab. It all depends on how you tie the scarf or headscarf. Once you've got the hang of it, the hijab will show off your facial features to your advantage. Here you can find out which tie suits which face shape.

Have you bought a beautiful hijab or an elegant headscarf from LIA ? The matching Hijab Bone is also included? Then the styling can begin. We would be happy to advise you on your perfect look and which binding is best for you. Write to us - we look forward to hearing from you. However, we can already give you some basic tips here.


Tie the headscarf to fit your face shape

That's how it should be: Hijab and headscarf draw attention to your face. The role that the scarf is tied plays is impressive. Depending on how the head covering is tied, your facial features can be accentuated and new proportions created.

Long face

In addition to a loose tie, the bonnet plays a crucial role with this face shape. It shortens your face, so to speak, because it visibly covers part of your forehead. Always wear your hijab or headscarf loosely over it.

  • Round face

Your face will look slimmer and longer if you don't wear a bonnet. This way, your face won't look flat. It's best to cover the sides of your face with the hijab. This will draw attention to your forehead.

  • Oval face

With this naturally harmonious face shape, you have a whole range of options. Elaborate ties are just distracting. You should also not wrap the scarf too tightly around your neck. Folding the hijab to the side also looks good on you.

  • heart-shaped face

If your face becomes increasingly narrower from your forehead to your cheeks and chin, you should opt for a tight forehead tie. Fold the upper part of the headscarf or hijab inwards at the sides. Then loosely secure your headgear with pins. It is best to tie your hair lower down so that your forehead is not emphasized too much.

  • square face

Would you like your distinctive facial shape to appear softer and gentler? Then try tying your hijab so that it is not too tight around your jaw. Your face will immediately appear much more oval.

  • Rectangular face

A bonnet under a hijab or headscarf is a must. The under-head scarf makes your face look narrower and gives it an oval appearance. Also, avoid tight ties and wear your headgear as loosely as possible.

  • triangular face

Do you have a broad jaw and your face is narrower in the forehead area? Then a bonnet is the first choice to give your forehead more weight. You can emphasize it even more by tying it tightly. To do this, keep it loose in the area of ​​the face underneath. Your jawline will automatically appear much narrower.


Any questions? Then speak to us personally and we will help you choose the right binding.

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